First Hike With Us

To do your first hike with us:

1.  Determine your appropriate hiking level as described on the Groups & Schedules page.

2.  Look at the schedule for that level and choose a hike.  Schedules or how to obtain them are provided on the page for each group, accessed from the Groups & Schedules tab.

3.  Read all the pages under Key Information.

4.  Contact a leader for the group you would like to hike with.  The leaders’ names and contact information are on the page for each group, under Groups & Schedules.

5.  On the day of the hike we recommend you arrive at the assembly area specified in the schedule at least 15 minutes early with car fare and all you need to hike.  For details on locations, see Assembly Areas.

If you like your first hike, the Joining Our Club tab and this link tell you about joining our club.